Feb 8, 2009


If after you've looked over our letter and website, and you would like to find out more about us, or are interested in us as Adoptive parents, please go to our LDS Family Services profile page here you can also call them at 1-800-537-6658, our profile I.D. is 4708483

Dear Birth Parents,

Troy and I will never understand the emotions and thoughts that must be going through your mind as you review the many profiles of couples who wish to adopt. We know the choice to allow your child to be raised by another family takes nothing but courage and faith. Courage to make the most difficult choice one can ever face and faith in hoping that your child will grow up happy and loved.

We are so appreciative to you for taking the time to read our story. We hope by reading our story, you will learn about us as husband and wife and our desire to create our family through adoption. We hope through our story, you will have a deeper understanding of us as human beings and potential parents to your child.

Ours is a story of two friends who realized after years of platonic friendship that we were destined to be together. The foundation of our marriage evolved from our bond of trust and loyalty that was created long before romance. We love each other's company and we are one another’s best friends.

We are currently involved in our local church and enjoy the blessings we receive from helping others. Religion is important to us, but even more important, is helping people in need. When we are not assisting others in the church, we enjoy spending time outdoors, whether it’s hiking, driving, and seeing new places. We both love the ocean and water falls. We really enjoy exploring new places while spending time together or with family and friends. We each have family close by with many nieces and nephews. We both have great relationships with our siblings and spend many hours taking and laughing about life with them. Family is extremely important to us and we are so very excited to start one of our own.

Troy and I have put some thoughts about one another that may give you some more insight to who we are as individuals:

Thoughts from Troy:

“My wife Alice is a very compassionate caring woman. She loves to laugh and smiles quite frequently. She has a strong desire to do what is right and longs to be a mother. She loves to make and create things and is always working on a craft or sewing project. She loves to read and likes to write poetry too. Alice likes camping and being outdoors even when it is cloudy. She has a big family and is always listening and talking with them and being an unofficial counselor. Alice truly cares for others and genuinely seeks ways for others to be happy. She is a wonderful wife and always thinks of ways to brighten my day or celebrate with creative fun. She loves all children and has found it a life passion to be an advocate for children in need.”

Thoughts from Alice:

“My husband Troy is a man of integrity and honesty. He is very positive and frequently reminds me that I can accomplish anything I put my mind to. He loves to laugh and is very easy going. He is considerate in his choice of words because he knows that what we say can have a lasting effect on others. He works hard on communication with others because he believes communication is the key to a lasting relationship. Troy works hard and loves to work around the house. He rarely sits idle and is always busy with yard work or house improvements on his days off. He is very sensitive and loves to do things for me, from making dinner to getting flowers that he picks out himself. He likes to be different from the crowd and to express his individuality in thoughts and goals for the future. He is goal orientated and is excited to complete his education.”

Troy and I have spent countless hours discussing what our goals will be as parents, our hopes and dreams and how we can provide for our child. We both believe that love and acceptance is the first rule in a family as well as Christ centered values such as honesty and charity. We also have decided that setting limits and allowing children to learn for themselves about responsibility and consequences will be a foundation of our parenting style.

We are grateful for the possibility of building our family through adoption. We acknowledge that while we will be happy and overjoyed that a child will come to our family this way, we also whole heartily recognize one or two parents have made the most difficult and painful decision in their life. Because of this recognition, we will always speak with respect about our child’s birth parents and always remind them that because of an act greater than one can fathom, he or she was able to become part of our family. Several relatives on both sides of our family have adopted children and so we see the joys they experience. Be assured that we will not treat your child any differently. Once in our family, he or she will be loved as if they were our biological child.

We want you to feel comfortable and confident in your decision. We want to reassure you that your child will be loved and treasured. We will make sure he or she will know that they had a loving mother and father who made the most difficult choice one could ever make. They will know that they were adopted and be proud of who they are. We will be willing to share photos, developmental updates, milestones and letters with you.


Troy and Alice

1 comment:

  1. Looks great!!! You guys are welcome to adopt me at any time. I'm a 33 year old computer tech with too much time on my hands apparently.
