Feb 16, 2009

Hobbies and interests……..

Hobbies and interests……..

Troy has many special talents and hobbies. He likes to bake and make things in the kitchen. His favorites are cake and desserts. Troy also likes to work around our little home. We bought our first home a few years ago and Troy has worked on the yard and house to make improvements. He loves to go to Home Depot and talk to contractors and others to get information on “do it yourself” projects. He has knocked a wall out and expanded our living space, he has taken the old back deck out and planted grass and every summer he plants a garden. He loves to work. Right now he is attending school so he can one day be a doctor and be able to provide well for his family while doing something he loves, taking care of others.

Alice loves to make and create things. She has a sewing/craft room where she has worked on many projects. She mostly makes things as gifts and gives them to family and friends. She has helped her nieces make dolls, she has made gifts every year for Christmas and she likes to scrapbook. Alice also likes to read and loves to find a good adventure novel or historical story to explore. She also likes to write poetry and had a goal to someday write a life story.

Alice has completed a degree in psychology with an emphasis in early childhood. She has found it a passion in her life to help children who are in need. She currently works for a child welfare agency and helps find placements for children in foster care who have been abused or neglected.

1 comment:

  1. I love you both and want you to know that we pray daily for you, in your search for a child. Your nephew, Scott (8yrs) always remembers you in his personal prayers, too. He still loves to talk about his favorite uncle, Troy. (:
